Website Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions about using information taken from the Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website at
1. Website content and access
Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd endeavours to take reasonable care in preparing and maintaining the information on this website. However we do not warrant the accuracy, reliability, adequacy or completeness of any of the website content. To the extent permitted by law Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd disclaims all liability for loss directly or indirectly arising from your use of or reliance on the website and the website content. Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd does not guarantee that the website is free from viruses or anything else which may damage any computer which accesses the Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website or any data on such a computer.
2. Intellectual property
The materials displayed on this website, including without limitation all editorial materials, information, photographs, illustrations, artwork and other graphic materials, and names, logos and trade marks, are the property of Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd and are protected by copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property laws. Any such content may be displayed and printed solely for your personal, non-commercial use within your organisation only provided that any copyright notice on such a display or page is not removed. You agree not to reproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any such material to any third party without the express prior written consent of Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd. Save for the above, and unless expressly granted, Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd does not grant any licence or right in, or assign all or part of, its intellectual property rights in the content incorporated into the Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website.
3. Confidentiality
Any material you send to us on or via the Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website will be deemed confidential. Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd may use your details to contact you regarding your order or enquiry for reasons such as, but not limited to, failed credit card transactions, incomplete order information, stock availability.
4. Disclosure
Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd does not sell or provide access to your details. For the purpose of processing your enquiry or order, we may disclose your details to:
• Our payment gateway service provider
• Courier companies
• Companies selected by Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd to carry out order fulfilment
5. Third party websites
The Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website may contain links to other websites operated, controlled or produced by third parties. Unless otherwise indicated, Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd does not control, endorse, sponsor or approve any such third party websites or their content nor does Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd provide any warranty or take any responsibility whatsoever for any aspect of those websites or their content.
Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.
6. Interference with website
You must not attempt to change, add to, remove, deface, copy, hack or otherwise interfere with this website or any material or content displayed on the Total Pavement Maintenance Systems Ltd website.